February Hip Hop Crate
I handpicked OVER 50 of the hottest and most trending tracks, unreleased gems, exclusive songs from T99zy Birthday Trip Out to Edited Bossman Get in with Me and many more. I put a few FX sounds like truck horns and sirens. So stay ahead of the curve and play NEW music! I did the research and studied the upcoming musical trends so you didn’t have to! Now turn the crowd up with this February crate!
Use Promo Code DJChat for 50% off for this crate!
I handpicked OVER 50 of the hottest and most trending tracks, unreleased gems, exclusive songs from T99zy Birthday Trip Out to Edited Bossman Get in with Me and many more. I put a few FX sounds like truck horns and sirens. So stay ahead of the curve and play NEW music! I did the research and studied the upcoming musical trends so you didn’t have to! Now turn the crowd up with this February crate!
Use Promo Code DJChat for 50% off for this crate!
I handpicked OVER 50 of the hottest and most trending tracks, unreleased gems, exclusive songs from T99zy Birthday Trip Out to Edited Bossman Get in with Me and many more. I put a few FX sounds like truck horns and sirens. So stay ahead of the curve and play NEW music! I did the research and studied the upcoming musical trends so you didn’t have to! Now turn the crowd up with this February crate!
Use Promo Code DJChat for 50% off for this crate!